

Moxibustion or “Moxa” for short is an ancient form of infrared heat therapy used to increased microcirculation, remove damp and phlegm accumulation in the lymphatic system and to increase Qi in the channels. Moxa is a combination of herbs that is dried and pressed. One side of the cigar-like Moxa is lit and as it burns, the heat and the smoke is applied to the acupuncture point without burning the skin. The main herb used in in this therapy is called Mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris.

Popular media has portrayed moxa to be useful for turning breeched babies applied women in the last stages of pregnancy. Moxa is also commonly used for regulating periods, relieving PMS tensions/pain, helping with infertility, relieve arthritic pain, improving discomforts of inflammatory bowel diseases, and other symptoms.

Moxa is usually applied in conjunction to acupuncture treatment and may be applied for around 10-20 minutes. Patients usually feel a warm sensation and feel relaxed with the application. No known harmful side effects have been found from the tar and fume of burning Moxa. However, precautions are taken with patients with respiratory or allergic conditions.