
How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is one of the treatment modalities used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is inserting fine, hair-thin needles (30-42 gauge) into acupuncture points that are located along the energy pathways in the body. The purpose of this practice is to stimulate the energy in the highway of energy, thereby creating a balance in an unbalanced system. Modern science understands the practice of acupuncture in various angles:

Neurogate theory- intense stimulation of needles creates a inhibitory affect on transmission of pain signals at the brainstem

Increased blood flow- micro trauma increase blood flow to the local and surrounding areas, thereby initiating the healing process

Endogenous opioid release- naturally occurring pain-blocking/modulating substances such as endorphins and enkephalins are released with acupuncture treatments

Endogenous corticosteroid and adrenal activation- needling may increase vascular and immuno-modulatory factors

Release of Myofibrils- much like trigger point release treatment, acupuncture points may relax the myofibril entanglement

Acupuncture methods:

-Manual stimulation- needles are twisted and thrusted with the hand after insertion

-Electrical acupuncture- electric current applied to specific needles at a frequency range of 1-100Hz in order to stimulate endogenous opioid release

-Auricular acupuncture- needles applied in the microsystem of the ear

What does acupuncture it feel like?

Insertion of acupuncture needles usually have little to no sensation. Some patients feel a fleeting sharp or tingling sensation, while other feel dull, heavy sensation after the needle is inserted. At one time, around 10-20 needles are inserted into the various acupuncture points all over the body. Most patients are relaxed while the needles are retained for around 20 minutes. After the needles are removed, some patients feel warm sensation at the insertion points as well as an overall relaxed and calm feeling. There are some patients who experience surge of energy and feeling of lightness.

How do I prepare for acupuncture treatment?

-Eat a light meal before an acupuncture session. Patients are advise to not be overly full or hungry.

-Empty your bowels and bladder.

-Wear loose and comfortable clothing (gowns and shorts are provided as well)

-Avoid strenuous exercise before and after treatment